
Frames and wax seals

I - finally - have a couple of new PSP scripts in the stores.

My "muse" is really giving me a hard time so far this year. Hopefully with these scripts she/he/it (I actually don't know the proper gender of a muse LOL) will return to me. 

Enough ramblings, here are the two script packs with five brand new scripts:

You can buy the scripts at Digital Scrap World and at Nuthouse Scraps.

You can buy the scripts at Digital Scrap World and at Nuthouse Scraps.

The scripts work in PSP9 and up. Commercial use is allowed. Credit is appreciated but not required.

Speaking of scripts, don't forget to go to Nuthouse Scraps and take a look at this months two CU OK grab bags. 

I have a puzzle script (plus a layered psd template) in Grab A Nut Bag 1. You can find that pack here.

If you want to see an example of the script in use, then check out my kit Dino & Friends.

Here is the second grab bag:
It is also totally awesome!

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