
I'm back! Plus August promotion at Digital Scrap World

I'm finally back to scrapping after spending more or less every free moment of June and July helping my Sister and her husband moving into their new house. Moving after twenty years is a challenge in itself, moving from a house with a basement to one without is a bloody nightmare. Not to mention, that it was a bit of a zoo, they had to move: the dog, the fish, the budgies and the new rabbit. Oh, and you don't want me to start talking about my Nephews room: that boy has more toys, than I have ever seen!! And he refuses to part with any of them - including his baby stuff. I'm telling you, that boy has a collector gene. And here I thought the rest of us were bad. We are just amateurs compared to him! LOL!

So enough ramblings about what I spend my Summer "vacation" on. Let's take a look at some scrapbooking instead.

First I have two new CU OK PSP scripts in the store(s). They both create a full alpha ending in open layers.

You can buy this script at Digital Scrap World and at Nuthouse Scraps.

You can buy the script at Digital Scrap World and at Nuthouse Scraps.


The few times where I had scrapped this Summer, was when I "played" with some of my old kits. I have turned these layouts into quick pages, that can be bought at Digital Scrap World.

You can buy this quick page at Digital Scrap World.

You can buy this quick page at Digital Scrap World.

You can buy this quick page at Digital Scrap World.

You can buy this quick page at Digital Scrap World.

You can buy this quick page at Digital Scrap World.

There are two promotions in Digital Scrap World this month: One is a chance to get a HUGE reduction - yes 50%!!! - of any orders over $25. Use code AUGUST upon check out to get the discount. The second is a reduction on school themed items. You find those here.

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